Monday, August 27, 2012

Thx :*

After an absolutely shitty week, I am desperately wishing the remaining weeks in 2012 to be as smooth and simple as can be. Since I've promised myself to be more positive this year and I think I had a pretty promising start to this week, I think its most fitting to have a random list of things of which I felt thankful for today :D Here goes~

Dear Monday, 27 August 2012, thank you for:-
  • The nice biscuits and chocolates that I got from my colleagues today without any particular reason. Made me feel a teeny bit greedy but it all tasted good so what the heck :P 
  • Giving me a seat on the MRT on the way home today almost immediately after I got on, something which rarely happens during rush hour~
  • Fewer phone calls today which let me do more work than I had hoped since I could concentrate better without being harassed by phone calls all the time :)
  • A nice lunch! We had something that I felt like eating today and we had enough time to enjoy our lunch instead of rushing to finish like a few times last week XD
  • Not being scolded by my clients even after holding on to their work for so long, more than 2 weeks in fact because I've been spending the past two weeks furiously trying to catch up with my work that I just kept putting aside tasks that needed more time and research.
  • Letting my boss agree with me to release 6 files full of documents to the client instead of asking me to photocopy every single document like they requested at first *phew*
  • Getting runny sesame glutinous rice balls which I love so much and think I'm addicted to. This may seem weird but sometimes the balls just aren't runny or chewy enough. The soya milk was super warm today as well, so thank you!
  • The internet at home which is working surprisingly well today, allowing me to indulge in my drama of the moment *Rooftop Prince Mansei!*
  • Having people in my facebook friends list who actually answer my questions when I need advice, feels good to know that they are not just mere acquaintances  whom I have only met once in my life @@
  • The availability of aloe vera gel for my stress pimples which have sprouted all over my face recently and which I hope will disappear by the end of the week, since I'm being so optimistic and all :P:P:P
Since its just past 12 midnight, here's wishing for an equally great Tuesday ahead!  and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and... oh well, you get the gist~

Gonna end with a photo of the cutest puppy in the world (or in my home.. whatever..) to make me feel even fuzzier:- 

 *suddenly realised that abrupt endings are my forte* :P

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