I consider myself pretty lucky that got to attend a staff party so soon after starting work.. I remember when i was an intern, i also got to go to their annual dinner even though i was just there for 3 mths.. hehe.. In actual fact, this stupid staff party was giving me headaches way before it was due to happen.. The reason being that it was a themed party, and of all themes?! Masquerade >.< already broke lah, still need to spend money to get a mask.. nice ones aren't that cheap as well.. luckily i managed to find an ingenious way to solve my problem.. and my kind roommate lent me her shoes, since i didnt bring my own up to KL so didnt have to buy.. :)
In the end i decided to get those party pack ones and modified it myself, and it only cost abt half of wha normal masks cost :D The workday ended at 4pm so that ppl could get ready for the party, for the pageant contestants, they could leave at 3pm.. but that day of all days, one of our stupid clients had to make an announcement to Bursa, so i still stayed till after 5pm, sigh~ fully utilised my time tho, went window shopping before changing and had ample time left to saunter over to Boulevard Hotel just across the road...
Before going in.. i felt so hot wearing the mask >.<
With Esmei and Vi Dea~
Phone camera can't show the nice interior properly :(
Everyone got one of those cute wobbly clips as a doorgift.. My frog is now staying at my place in the office :)
The agenda was simple, CEO made a speech, everyone had fun with a treasure hunt game where we had to find pieces of paper hidden under our chairs to form the name of the company, karaoke/ dinner time, pageant, best mask awards and everyone's favourite, the lucky draw~
Very sad to say that i didnt get the grand prize of RM1000 cash, or the other stuff i was interested in, like the isetan or jusco shopping vouchers and the 3D2N trip to langkawi.. Missed out on the bbq section of the buffet as well, felt full after only 3 rounds, which is so unlike me.. haha..
Picture time:
Picture time:
Just a thought.. I dunno why i felt so much more exposed in my dress this time round compared to when i wore it in Liverpool... cos its Malaysia and we're supposed to be more modest here?? hmm.... or maybe my dress just got loose in the wash... @.@~
All in all, a pretty fun night even though i was quite reluctant to go at first, even considered asking other ppl to go as me, since they wouldnt be recognised in a mask anyway... :P
hi..sori to bug u :)
i need some help here...huhu...
i'm actually working at level 28 the garden north tower :p
a couple of months back,when i was using the elevator with some other people,my eyes suddenly caught this one gurl..i think she's a malay gurl..but couldnt really tell...coz she has the chinese look, but i think she's a malay though :)
she's free hair,fair,and with long permed hair..err..maybe the hair is a lil bit curly..and shoulder length..i really like her though..huhu..but dunhave the chance to meet her again since then..cud u help?please....
hey anonymous, so many ppl with that description lah, wish i could help you~ so did you ever meet her again?? hehehe
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Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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