Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 77: Liverpool's Heritage Market

Finally been to Heritage Market in Liverpool last Sunday (haha.. i'm so backlogged, its pathetic >.<) The place is only open on Sundays, and its touted as Camden the second, Camden is a shopping haven in London~ For such a seemingly famous place, its located at a very weird place, quite hard to find.. :S

and we finally arrive after walking for abt 20 mins down quiet streets..

First glimpse~ Note the 'shop till you drop' sign~
Overstatement of the year!

He literally grabbed us to take a photo with him~

Parking lot..

For a supposed shopping haven, the heritage market is quite disappointing, its interesting to browse through the stalls, but some things are so unbelievably cheap, until you tend to suspect whats wrong with the stuff.. so didnt really dare to buy anything..

Tipu punya~

Saw some cute giraffes tho~

and my favourite monkeys..
remember this- (^.^) <(O.O)> (O_O)?

The only things i got- 2 classic dvds for dad, so he wont complain that i didnt get him anything from uk.. :)

Had lunch at Lobster Pot once again, and i finally got to try the much recommended burger.. After lunch, spent the rest of the day pottering about in my room.. Rainy rainy day..

Benefits of staying high up~

Havent seen one in a long time.. Happy~~~ :)

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