Sunday, September 28, 2008

~Dancing in the moonlight~

I finally finished watching [moonlight resonance] or [傢好月圓] yesterday, all 40 episodes of it. so satisfied!!! Actually i could have finished it long ago, but waited to watch it together with my family cos tats what the show is about anyway, isn't it?? Family spirit all the way, yay!

Well, i read that the average rating for the show was 47 points and the final ep even garnered 50 points, beating that boring show 大長今.. I've changed the flavour of the week again to the song that i have sooo fallen in love with after watching the show.. you will too, cos it's so befitting the story... hehe, even my brother and mum have been affected by Raymond Lam mania now.. :)

According to mum, wats portrayed in any show, usually either has happened before in real life or might have the chance of happening.. If tats so, does that mean there are really ppl as evil as the second wife in the show??
Oh man.. humans are a conflict ridden race...
Actually i dunno wat im typing dy, cos im sooo sleepy now, falling asleep while typing already, and my minds a whirl cos too many things to think and plan abt right now... Maybe i'll just leave this post hanging and blog another day, hehe.. :) Just watch the show if you have the chance lah..

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