Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just thinking about life...

Yesterday, i typed the name of a friend in the google search box (his name is quite distinctive..) and to my amazement, people have written about him! Turns out he's been doing some charity lately.. Hmm, thats so good... and now i'm wondering, how do some ppl find their life's meaning so easily... cos i'm thinking that now is the time that i should be contributing to society, but i have absolutely no idea about what i should be doing! Anyone can give me some ideas?? or recruit me on some programmes?? cos i dont feel like wasting the prime years of my life just sitting around not doing anything.. Some ideas please??


Anyways, do you know the feeling when you get an unexpected postcard or letter in the mail.. all surprised and happy.. or you're poking around online and you find something unexpected and end up smiling inwardly.. ok, or outwardly also can, if no-one else is around... :P hahahaha.. what am i going on and on about you say..

Well, i just realised yesterday that the music video of a song that i like very much recently is finally out~ 梁静茹-没有如果.. heehee... omg, check out the video, its so cute!!! and the nerd (a.k.a lead actor in the video) is absolutely CUTE! if you know me well, i think you may have an inkling of who it may be.. hahahha.. someone i've been kind of crazy over recently... (where got nerd with so nice body wan i say...)

So, heres a short summary if you cant quite catch the storyline..
nice girl who works part-time at a fast-food joint and florists has a hobby of setting couples up but fails to set herself up with a guy she fancies, cos he's too blur/ shy to realise her feelings for him.. and after a chance meeting after some time, she decides to go all out and make her feelings known to him and asks him to '牵起我的手'.. :) but the way they act it out just makes you want to sigh.. aaahh.. so cute lah...

Theres some negative news about this song, saying that its a rip-off of a Japanese song (i've had it as my *flavour of the week* before..), which is Soba Ni Iru Ne --- Thelma Aoyama Feat. SoulJa or 青山テルマFeat. Soulja- そばにいるね, if you can read that, haha... which is a nice song..

Soba ni Iru ne feat. SoulJa - Thelma Aoyama

but, in my very honest opinion, i did feel the song sounded similar to this one,but not to the extent of copying it i think... with so many melodies being written everyday, theres definitely a chance of different people writing similar things eventually.. yup, this is something i have thought about before, haha.. when i'm too free i like to imagine.. what if one day, people have used up all the different combinations of melodies?? as long as it sounds good, why bother so need to accuse people of copying and this and that, keep life simple i say!

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