Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 17: Breakfast for lunch! New module begins..

Dragged ourselves to class at 9.30am on Tues after the previous night, we have started on a new subject called Strategic Human Resource Management , gosh what a mouthful! and we now have the most sarcastic and acerbic lecturer I have ever met, haha.. he hates people who come in late and always has something snide to say.. Anyways, have done HR subjects a few times before, so I think I should be ok.. :)

Since we didn't want to wake earlier to prepare lunch, we had to go and find some place for a nice, filling, not too expensive lunch..

Face as big as the full moon >.<

Full English Breakfast!

So we found this little place near the uni cos they had english breakfast sets for 2.99, turns out that the full english breakfast has double of everything and is only 3.75, so thats what we got, 2 sets for 4 people again.. hehe.. Toast, eggs, bacon, beans, sausages and tomato puree?? I would have preferred fried tomatoes.. :(

English tea included in the set.. with the sweetest biscuit I have ever tasted..

The other 2 busy ppl.. got internet access in that tiny shop..

They were selling some very nice black and white paintings.. Know who??

Nothing much happened after that.. We live like aunties now, almost everyday have to go grocery shopping after class, haha.. met some other aunty classmates while we were at it as well.. Another day without msn or skype, cos after class ended at 4.30pm and shopping, by the time I got back everyone in malaysia was either asleep or falling asleep.. Sigh..

1 comment:

GreenTea said...

^^ but me not at sleep o!! you can msn me...